An introduction to cross country skiing that emphasizes a healthy lifestyle and love of the outdoors. Children will be coached on basic skiing skills through games, group activities and active play, guided by Cross Country Canada’s Bunnyrabbit program resources.
AGES: 4 & 5 (Child must be school-aged. Parents must be present on skis at the lesson)
WHEN: Saturdays 1-2pm
DURATION: 8 weeks beginning Jan 11
FEE: $65 + LNSC Membership ($50 for children 5 years old and under) available on zone4
GEAR: Rentals will be available at a cost of $75 per set for program participants only in the 2024-2025 season. Season rentals can be taken home for a 200% deposit (cash or cheque). Gear day Dec 22 – watch your email for details.
We ask that a parent be prepared to ski with their children. Having parents involved will allow us to keep the group moving in the cold weather, and allow one on one support. Beginners often need to be picked up and helped but COVID-19 protocols will prohibit leaders from contacting skiers this year.
The goal of this program is to introduce participants to an “Active Start” and the early development of fundamental movement skills which increase physical literacy. An increased physical literacy is linked to life-long participation in physical activity.
Wonder what your children should be wearing, this guide Dressing for Cross Country Skiing may help
Volunteering is an important part of any amateur sport. In order to continue to allow our club to grow and improve we need the support of all our members. Use this link to see volunteering opportunities